Acupuncture During Pregnancy | An Interview with Acupuncture Buffalo
/What is acupuncture? Admittedly, I knew little about it, but have had countless clients that are regulars or at least utilize it during preconception or pregnancy. I wanted to learn more, and knew I had to reach out to a leading practitioner in Buffalo: Ashlyn Pardee, the owner of Acupuncture Buffalo.
What is acupuncture? Or, what many people want to know is, how the heck does inserting a few hair thin needles into the skin create a change in their health?
I was an engineer before I became an acupuncturist, so I am always interested in the science behind acupuncture. Forgive me for the detail of this answer! You can imagine how hard it is to do placebo controlled acupuncture, but what we are quite certain of is that acupuncture moves blood. We can actually measure the oxygen in blood before and after acupuncture with a pulse oximeter. Sure enough you will find more oxygen after acupuncture. You can also see some immediate changes if blood samples are taken before and after acupuncture. After acupuncture we find fewer markers of inflammation and more of the natural painkillers and chemicals that we want to see. Depending on where we put the needles, we can affect the blood flow in different areas of the body like the digestive system for nausea or the ovaries and endocrine system for fertility. But how does it actually do that? We think that the body sees the needles as a micro-injury that initiates a healing cascade. Basically we are tricking the body into healing itself with a tiny little injury from the needle.
That’s pretty incredible. So, how is it beneficial during pregnancy? Are there pregnancy symptoms acupuncture can help with?
During pregnancy we love to start early. The first trimester is often the foundation for the whole pregnancy. We help to reduce nausea, reflux, headaches and some of the aches and pains that many women feel in pregnancy. In the second trimester, we usually only see our clients monthly to check in and lay the foundation for the third trimester. In the third trimester we try and stay on top of aches and pains that come up, along with nourishing the uterus to encourage good positioning of baby as well as a more relaxed labor. When women are past their due date, we give the uterus a little extra love so that hopefully an induction can be avoided.
Do you offer any sort of induction treatment, or treatment during early labor?
We absolutely do treatments to encourage and support the natural labor process. We don't actually do inductions. We help women try to avoid them!
That seems like reason enough to receive acupuncture treatments during pregnancy! Are there any times they should avoid it?
There are no times to avoid acupuncture. A knowledgeable acupuncturist will know what points to avoid at different stages of pregnancy.
Ashlyn with her wife, a health psychologist, and their children (who are here in large thanks to acupuncture!)
You also support people undergoing fertility treatments or hoping to avoid them. How does acupuncture help those going through a difficult time conceiving and/or who seek out alternative methods of conception?
We see women who are working to improve their fertility naturally and those who are also getting treatment at a fertility clinic. The goal is the same for both. The goal is the perfect cycle; a menstrual cycle free of any physical or emotional pain or discomfort. Many of us assume that our menstrual cycle is supposed to be unpleasant - not true! So many folks experience some sort of hormonal disturbance that we assume this is how it must be. There is such a thing as a perfect cycle, and it is our job to get our clients there. The perfect cycle is regular and predictable. It is free from cramping or any other pain. It is free of mood swings. The breasts are never tender. The period comes on with bright red blood without first spotting or dribbling and flows moderately for at least 3 days. It is not too heavy or too light, and there is no bleeding other than during the period. The whole thing starts over 28 days later! Once we see this happening with our clients, we know that getting and staying pregnant is just a matter of time.
I have to confess, I am not a fan of needles! Is acupuncture even a good fit for someone like me?
I am not a fan of needles either! It took me well into my 30s to get over a needle phobia instigated by a traumatic early childhood ER visit. Acupuncture was actually a big part of changing my outlook on needles. It was the first time in my life that I had a needle make me feel better almost instantly. We do have needle-less ways to treat patients using piezoelectricity. Piezoelectricity gets good results, but once most folks see the tiny needles they will try it once. Once they try it, they are hooked. Nothing beats the needles for a fast track to relaxation. Why not have your medicine and a little pampering all at once!
We also have an herbal solution that uses custom herbal blends tailored to each woman. We see her less frequently to check in and prescribe liquid herbal tinctures according to her needs at each phase of her cycle. This involves no needles and only a monthly check in to ensure progress and to make any changes to her formulation as needed. This check in can be done in person or over the phone to make things really easy for women who have too much on their plate to make it to another appointment.